economic growth

economic growth
ек. економічне зростання; економічний розвиток
безперервний приріст обсягу виробництва (output) економіки (economy¹) країни протягом певного часу; ♦ до показників економічного зростання належать: валовий внутрішній продукт (gross domestic product), валовий національний продукт (gross national product) і дохід на душу населення (per capita income)
high economic growth високе економічне зростання; low economic growth низьке економічне зростання; rapid economic growth швидке економічне зростання • прискорене економічне зростання; slow economic growth повільне економічне зростання; steady economic growth стійкий економічний розвиток
cost of economic growth вартість економічного зростання
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економічне зростання

The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. . 2002.

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Смотреть что такое "economic growth" в других словарях:

  • Economic growth — economic growth …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Economic growth — GDP real growth rates, 1990–1998 and 1990–2006, in selected countries …   Wikipedia

  • economic growth — Process by which a nation s wealth increases over time. The most widely used measure of economic growth is the real rate of growth in a country s total output of goods and services (gauged by the gross domestic product adjusted for inflation, or… …   Universalium

  • economic growth — An increase in the nation s capacity to produce goods and services. Usually refers to real GDP growth. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * economic growth economic growth ➔ growth * * * economic growth UK US noun [U] ECONOMICS ► an increase in… …   Financial and business terms

  • economic growth — The growth of national income, or the output of goods and services per head of population, with output conventionally measured by the Gross National Product (GNP). The alternative term economic development is often used in relation to Third World …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Economic Growth — An increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services, compared from one period of time to another. Economic growth can be measured in nominal terms, which include inflation, or in real terms, which are adjusted for inflation.… …   Investment dictionary

  • economic growth — noun The growth of the economic output of a country. As a result of inward investment Eire enjoyed substantial economic growth. Ant: negative growth …   Wiktionary

  • economic growth — The expansion of the output of an economy, usually expressed in terms of the increase of national income. Nations experience different rates of economic growth mainly because of differences in population growth, investment, and technical progress …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Economic Growth Rate — A measure of economic growth from one period to another in percentage terms. This measure does not adjust for inflation, it is expressed in nominal terms. In practice, it is a measure of the rate of change that a nation s gross domestic product… …   Investment dictionary

  • Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 — The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (USPL|107|16, USStat|115|38, June 72001), was a sweeping piece of tax legislation in the United States. It is commonly known by its abbreviation EGTRRA, often pronounced egg tra or egg …   Wikipedia

  • Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act — The Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996 (or EGRPRA) is a United States federal law that requires the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council and its member agencies to review their regulations at least once… …   Wikipedia

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